Making Beauty

In her backyard shed a young girl attempts to beautify the world with savage results.

Tammy Salzl is a Canadian Filmmaker and Visual Artist. The tales she creates blend whimsy and melancholy to embody what it means to be human in today's world. Salzl received a Master of Fine Arts from Concordia University in 2014 and has presented her artwork and short films across Canada and internationally. 

Salzl has been awarded several awards, grants and residencies in Canada and internationally, and uses them to make her beautiful parasites: work that enters the eyes through beauty, sinks to the gut with uneasy questions, then rises to the brain to fester over time.

The crew

Director, Writer, Producer: Tammy Salzl
Executive Producers: Carolyn Whittaker & David Candler
Director of Photography: David Baron
First Assistant Director: Eric B. Spoeth
Production Design: Tammy Salzl
Set Design and key collaborator: Ian Walker
Art Director: Kyrsten Lofts
Music and Sound:: Greg Mulyk 
Production Manager: Caitlin Burnett

More info and Cast List coming soon...